jueves, 17 de enero de 2008

Por que te amo...

1. I love you cause your beautiful.

2.I love you cause you are my love and my best friend.

3 .I love you cause I can trust you.

4. I love you cause you can make me laugh.

5. I love you cause I can make YOU laugh.

6.. I love you cause you got a wonderful smile.

7. I love you cause your my first thought in the morning, and my last thought at night.

8. I love you cause you make me feel like the most lucky person on this earth.

9. I love you cause when i say I love you i feel a good and confident, as well as those so called "butterflies" you get in your stomach.

10. I love you cause I can cry to you.

11. I love you cause I can depend on you.

12. I love you cause youll give me a kiss whenever I need one

13. I love you cause without you in my life, theres nothing.

14. I love the way you tell me I love you Diana

15. I love the way you tell me how sexy i am.

16. I love telling you how beautiful you are y como te pones penosha..

17. I love cause you make me more happy than any person can.

18. I love you cause you are always with me.

19. I love the way you call me Flaca.

20. Te amo por q eres tu! y yo puedo ser yo contigo.

2 comentarios:

.... dijo...

entre a tu blog de casualidad y me senti identificada, aki te dejo mi blog para q chekes http://titihistorias.blogspot.com/ y mi correo dodito2210@hotmail.com me gustaria contactarme contigo

ByT dijo...

hEY compa ;) muy bueno tu blog

Espero q andes muy bien!

